Coal-fired Power Plant
Shikoku Electric Withdrew from the Coal Project in Sendai
Shikoku Electric Withdrew from the Coal Project in Sendai – Sumitomo Corporation, business partner, should fol…
【Update】Japan Coal Plant Tracker: 20180323
This is an update on March 23rd, 2018. 1)Status update Ishinomaki Hibarino No.1 start operation Ishinomak…
【Update】Japan Coal Plant Tracker: 20180215
Here is updated information: ● Akita Port No.1 and No.2 (tentative) Draft EIA has been submitted in February 6…
【Update】Japan Coal Plant Tracker: 20180123
This is the first update in 2018. The EIA process for 2 major proposals move forward. ● Draft EIS for Yokosuka…
【Update】Japan Coal Plant Tracker: 20171130
New EIA documents has been opened as follows. ● Taketoyo No.5 Draft EIS is submitted and it is available in a …
【Update】Japan Coal Plant Tracker: 20171115
Here is update: ● Taketoyo No.5 Draft EIS is submitted and it is available in a period of 2017/11/10-2017/12…
【Update】Japan Coal Plant Tracker: 20171005
Here is update on October 5th. [Proposed Coal Plants] Tokuyama East Power Generation No.3 Tokuyama Corporation…
【Update】Japan Coal Plant Tracker: 20171002
Here is update on October 2nd. [ Proposed Coal Plants ] ● Sendai Power Station The Sendai Power Station (SPS) …
【Update】Japan Coal Plant Tracker: 20170907
Up-dated information at September 7th. Prolosed Coal Plant: ● Ishinomaki Hibarino No.1 On September 1st, Nippo…
Untrustworthy Approach of Sendai PS: New Mayor Intends to Ask Voluntary EIA
Sendai Power Station (Sendai PS) who slips through the EIA due to its installed capacity, dishonestly hides th…
【Update】Japan Coal Plant Tracker: 20170803
Update information dated on August 3rd. <Proposed Coal Plant> ● Kaita Biomass Blend Firing Power Station…
Minister of Environment Asks Reconsideration to Taketoyo Coal-Fired Power Plant
On August 1st, 2017, it was announced that the Minister of the Environment submitted his opinion to the prepar…