Japan Beyond Coal is a campaign that aims for the phase-out of coal-fired power generation in Japan by 2030, to help avert the climate crisis and create a clean and sustainable society. It is supported by NGOs that have been active for years on climate-related issues, and volunteers who are active in their communities.
A coal phase-out is essential for a hopeful future. With increasingly frequent and destructive natural disasters occurring due to climate change, the need to shift from coal to renewable energy is increasingly urgent.

In order to leave as good environment as possible for the next generations.
Japan Beyond Coal Team, Kiko Network
Coal power is one of the main drivers of climate change. Electricity generation accounts for 30-40% of Japan’s total greenhouse gas emissions, and within that, coal power is the largest source. For Japan to become a decarbonized society, we must quickly phase out coal and promote renewables and energy conservation, in both the industrial and household sectors. Japan is the only developed country that is still building coal power plants. We want to change that! We are working toward a future without coal power by 2030, so that we can leave a better environment for our children!

Work for future generations.
350 New ENEration
The wildfires in Australia caught my attention in 2021.
The image of a young woman surrounded by bright red flames and running to escape from the smoke reminded me of myself as a child. I had asthma and always had to carry an inhaler.
I later discovered that a new coal-fired power plant was under construction where I live in Kanagawa Prefecture.
Asthma sufferers increased during Japan’s period of rapid economic growth. The pattern of fossil fuels causing the climate crisis is just like putting money and corporate profits first and leading to human health impacts in the form of air pollution and asthma in Yokkaichi in Japan. Our efforts to tackle the climate crisis are not a youth movement, but a movement for future generations. We want to work together with everyone.

To accelerate system transformation.
FoE Japan (Friends of the Earth Japan)
Akiko Yoshida
Rather than talking about a complete phase-out of coal power, the government of Japan keeps pushing policies to keep them running. This goes against the efforts of the global community and shirks Japan’s responsibilities as a developed country. With fossil fuels and nuclear power, it is the same system that maintains large-scale power generation led by the government, major power utilities, and large corporations. We need systemic changes to move toward a society that relies on renewables, with key roles for communities and citizens. The rest of the world is already changing. The costs of renewable energy are dropping, so continued reliance on coal does not make sense. Let’s act together and accelerate the shift.

For a society not threatened by further extreme weather events
WWF Japan, Conservation Division, Climate and Energy Group
Keisuke Yoshikawa
The latest science calls for a 60% reduction in global greenhouse gas emissions (from 2019 levels) by 2035. Internationally, there is growing momentum for the phase-out of fossil fuels. On the other hand, Japan does not even have a plan to phase out coal-fired power plants and is conspicuously taking measures to utilize them for many years to come. What is essential for a competitive economy and a society that is not threatened by further extreme weather events is a complete phase-out of coal-fired power plants by 2030, and the full use of renewables and energy conservation. We want to work with all actors in society to achieve these goals by encouraging government and business entities to make further efforts to achieve them!

Let’s work together to stop coal power!
Climate Change and Energy Campaigner, Greenpeace Japan
Kazue Suzuki
Japan Beyond Coal includes citizens’ groups that are speaking out against coal-fired power plants in their own communities, NGOs that support their efforts, international environmental NGOs that are helping to shape international opinion, and thinktanks that produce reports based on scientific research. Greenpeace is focusing on communicating to a wide audience and on strengthening the climate measures of local governments. We can all stop coal power by working together with a diverse group of people. Let’s work together!

Sunset Date for Coal Needed
Renewable Energy Institute
Senior Climate Engagement Strategist, Climate Change Group
Yuri Okubo
The heat of the summer of 2023 was another “unusual” period for many people across the globe.
The term “unusual” is seemingly becoming less relevant though as temperatures continue to break records on a regular basis. The degree to which we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 will have a bearing on future “unusualness” and its frequency.
The World Energy Agency’s Net Zero Scenario projects that more than half of the CO2 reductions needed in 2030 will come from shutting down coal-fired power generation.
Individuals, municipalities, and companies alike all need to demonstrate through their purchasing behavior that renewable energy solutions are the way to go, but significant emission reductions can only be achieved in the short term if they are combined with a reduction of coal-fired power.
This website is being operated by Kiko Network in cooperation with the following partner organizations.

Global Beyond Coal Campaigns
Beyond Coal is also being deployed in the United States, Australia, and South Korea with the shared goal of a phase-out of coal power by 2030. In Europe, Beyond Fossil Fuels is working toward the goal of moving away from fossil fuels.
Please use this form to contact Japan Beyond Coal.