Coal-fired Power Plant
【Press Release】New Report “Japan Coal Phase-Out” shows clear pathway to phase out coal by 2030
New Report “Japan Coal Phase-Out” shows clear pathway to phase out coal by 2030 Kiko Network [09 November, 201…
【Update】Japan Coal Plant Tracker: 20181018
It is update on October 18. 【Proposal】 The prefectural governor of Ehime submitted his opinion brief for the E…
【 Breaking News】Japan Coal Plant Tracker: 20181001
This is a breaking news on October 1st. 【Proposal】 KOBELCO has made an anouncement starting construction at Ko…
【Update】Japan Coal Plant Tracker: 20180928
It is update on September 28. 【Proposal】 ■ Nichiokinoyama (tentative) The draft EIA for Nichiokinoyama (tentat…
【Update】Japan Coal Plant Tracker: 20180810
This is update on August 10th. 【Proposed】 Misumi No.2 Preparatory construction started in July 1st, 2018. This…
【Update】Japan Coal Plant Tracker: 201800711
This is update on July 11. One June 29th, Chiba prefectural governor submitted opinion paper toward EIA of th…
Sumitomo Corporation announced to switch fuel to biomass at their power plant in Sendai
On 1st June, Sumitomo Corporation announced its proposed Sendai-Takamatsu combustion plant will switch its fue…
【Update】Japan Coal Plant Tracker: 20180604
This is update on June 4th. ▷Sendaiko-Takamatsu Power Plant/Yonden, Sumitomo On June 1st, Sumitomo Cooperatio…
【Update】Japan Coal Plant Tracker: 20180517
This is update on May 17th. ▷(tentative)Yokosuka Power Plant, No.1, No.2 2018/4/19 JERA submitted the business…
J-POWER Withdrawal from New Coal Project in Takasago
On April 27, 2018, J-POWER announced that a coal fired power plant replacement plan in Takasago, Hyogo was can…
【Update】Japan Coal Plant Tracker: 20180427
Today’s update is including good news! ▷Takasago New-No.1 and No.2 (Takasago city, Hyogo) On April 27th,…
【Update】Japan Coal Plant Tracker: 20180413
Update 1) Soma Orix start operation (Dedication ceremony was held in March 26th.) Soma Coal-Biomass power plan…