【Report】Renewable Energy Institute Released “Re-examining Japan’s Hydrogen Strategy”
Renewable Energy Institute released the English translation of “Re-examining Japan’s Hydrogen Strategy: Moving Beyond the “Hydrogen Society” Fantasy”.
【News】Japanese GX strategy’s false solutions are steeped in fossil fuels
The Japanese government has been discussing “Green Transformation (GX)” to achieve a decarbonized society, but this includes false solutions that focus on technologies not ready for practical use, which would delay Japan’s transition away from dependence on fossil fuels.
【News】Gap revealed between reported and actual CCS storage amount
Researchers at Imperial College London have released a report comparing estimates of carbon captured and sequestered worldwide between 1996 and 2020, finding that reported figures overestimate the actual amount by 19-30%.
【Report】Getting Lost on the Road to Decarbonization: Japan’s Big Plans for Ammonia
Climate Integrate has released the report “Getting Lost on the Road to Decarbonization: Japan’s Big Plans for Ammonia”. This report takes a close look at the possibilities and challenges of using ammonia in coal power generation.
[News] Japan’s Actual GHG Emissions – List of High-Emission Power Plants in FY2018
NGO Kiko Network has analyzed Japan’s greenhouse gas emission data for FY2018. Results show that coal-fired power plants account for the top 4 GHG-emitting thermal power plants.
【News】Climate Change Shareholder Proposals to Four Japanese Companies: Voting Results
The general shareholders’ meetings of four Japanese companies, where individual shareholders and NGOs had submitted shareholder proposals calling for more ambitious climate change action, all concluded by June 29. We report on the voting results.
【News】G7 Ministerial Meeting: Japan commits to coal phase-out, sets date to predominantly decarbonize power sector
On May 27, 2022, the G7 Climate, Energy, and Environment Ministerial Meeting came to a close. The resulting communiqué, which was finalized and agreed upon, included important developments that will help Japan move away from its dependence on coal-fired power.
【News】Julien Vincent awarded 2022 Goldman Environmental Prize
Julien Vincent, Executive Director of Market Forces, an Australian environmental organization, has been awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize 2022. Vincent has been deeply involved in climate change shareholder action in Japan.
【News】A first in Japan, institutional investors submit shareholder proposal to J-Power to strengthen decarbonization strategy
A first in Japan, on May 11 a shareholder proposal was submitted by institutional investors to Japanese energy company J-Power, calling for a stronger decarbonization strategy.
【News】Four shareholder proposals submitted by NGOs to accelerate climate measures
On April 11, NGOs and individual shareholders submitted shareholder proposals calling for stronger climate change policies to four companies in the finance, trading, and electricity industries.
【News】U.S. Dept. of Energy’s CCS Demonstration Projects: “Significant” Economic Risk
The U.S. Government Accountability Office has released a report stating that the Department of Energy faces the risk of wasting large sums of money by supporting carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects
【Report】 Japan’s Decarbonization Technologies Hinder Net Zero Target
TransitionZero has released the report “Coal-de-sac: Advanced Coal in Japan” which warns that extensive use of “advanced clean coal technologies” may hamper Japan’s 2050 net-zero target in Japan.