Energy Strategy
【Report】 Japan ranked 58th in 2024 climate policy assessment: “Coal phase-out by 2030 is needed”
Germanwatch released the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) 2025, a report assessing the climate change policies of countries around the world. Japan ranked 58th!
【News】JERA reprimanded over market manipulation
The Electricity and Gas Market Surveillance Commission reprimanded JERA issuing a recommendation to improve its business operations due to alleged market manipulation.
【News】 OCCTO reports shine a light on Japan’s continued reliance on thermal power
Kiko Network published the report tracking trends in thermal power generation. If these trends continues, Japan will have difficulty in meeting its GHG emissions target for 2030.
【Report】World Economic Forum publishes Energy Transition Index 2024
The World Economic Forum (WEF) published the Energy Transition Index (ETI) 2024 rankinng. Among the selected 120 countries, Japan was ranked 26th, also ranked 4th among G7.
【News】JCI calls for the Japanese government to adopt an ambitious 2035 target
The JCI released a message “JCI calls on the Japanese government to set an ambitious 2035 target that is consistent with the 1.5-degree goal”.
【News】 On the revision of the Strategic Energy Plan
Discussions on the revision of the Strategic Energy Plan have begun at the Council. JBC has made a summary of points to be closely watched in the discussions.
【News】 OCCTO: Coal-fired power projected to account for 29% of Japan’s electricity in FY2033
On March 29, the Organization for Cross-regional Coordination of Transmission Operators (OCCTO) released its Aggregation of Electricity Supply Plans for FY2024.
【News】 Government to make up price difference between hydrogen/ammonia and fossil fuels
Most of the hydrogen currently distributed in Japan is “gray” or sometimes called “brown” hydrogen. In the interum report of Japaese Hydrogen strategy has many problems.
【Report】Japan’s GX Policy is misaligned with 1.5°C target
Influence Map released a report that shows Japan’s Green Transformation (GX) Policy is significantly misaligned with the 1.5°C target.
【Report】BloombergNEF releases “New Energy Outlook: Japan”
BloombergNEF published the “New Energy Outlook : Japan”. It examines the opportunities and challenges associated with Japan’s transition to 2050 net-zero.
【News】OCCTO releases Aggregation of Electricity Supply Plan 2023: Coal to account for 32% of Japan’s energy in FY2032
The Organization for Cross-regional Coordination of Transmission Operators (OCCTO) has released its “Aggregation of Electricity Supply Plans for FY2023,” revealing that Japan is moving in a direction that is totally inconsistent with the 1.5°C target, the 2030FY energy mix, and the fading out of inefficient coal-fired thermal power generation.
【Report】The 2035 Japan Report – Japan can achieve a 90% clean electricity share by 2035
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s “The Japan 2035 Report” and Climate Integrate’s “Decarbonizing Japan’s Electricity System: Policy Change to Trigger a Shift” were released simultaneously, showing that Japan’s electricity sector can increase its share of renewable energy to 70% by 2035.