As of December 1, 2024, the number of operating units is same as last month.
Operating (including mothballed): 167 Units
Planned (including under construction): 1 Units
Retired: 9 Units
As JBC has confirmed that Hibikinada Thermal Power Station in Kitakyushu City stopped power generation (co-firing coal and wood pellets) and has started construction to convert to a full biomass power plant, we changed its status to “mothballed”. Its operator, Daiwa House, is planning to start biomass operation around April 2026.
Hibikinada Thermal Power Station (Daiwa House Group) – written in Japanese only.
[Other fossil fuel related info.]
- On November 22, JERA announced that it plans to resume the Taketoyo Thermal Power Plant, which has been stopped its operation since the fire accident in January 2024, with (only) coal power generation around January 2025 and with biomass co-firing generation around the end of FY2026. Local residents and NGOs are opposed to the resumption of this plant.
JERA’s PR: JERA Plans to Resume Service After the Fire at Taketoyo Thermal Power Station - Tohoku Electric Power presented that it has achieved 20% co-firing of woody biomass (black pellets) at Noshiro Thermal Power Station Unit 3 under the experiment.
Tohoku Electric Power’ release in Japanese 能代火力発電所3号機においてブラックペレット20%(重量比)の混焼を達成
The full database can be downloaded in Excel format on this page.
*Click here (PDF) to download a summary of Japan’s coal plant data