【Database Update】 Latest status of coal-fired power plants (July 1, 2024)

Japan Beyond Coal database update as of July 1.

Operating: 168 Units
Planned (including under construction): 1 Units
Retired: 8 Units

JBC has confirmed that the Toyohashi Power Station (Aichi Prefecture) operated by Akemi Power, a consolidated subsidiary of Topy Industries, was retired at the end of March 2024. As a result, the number of power plants in operation become 168 units, decreased by 1 from the previous month.
【Topy’s Press Release in Japanese】トピー工業株式会社 連結子会社の事業の全部の廃止に関するお知らせ(PDF

J-POWER announced that it will retire the Tosa Power Station (Kochi City) at the end of March 2025.
The company’s release stated that it has determined that it is difficult to continue operations due to soaring coal prices, sluggish electricity market conditions, and the government’s policy of inefficient coal fade-out.
The Tosa Power Station began operation in 2005, and in addition to J-Power, Shikoku Electric Power and Taiheiyo Cement also have equity stakes in the plant. Taiheiyo Cement owns the site of the power plant, but it hasn’t yet decided how it will utilize the site in the future.

On May 8, it was reported that the concentration and emissions of sulfur oxides in the emissions from the Maizuru Power Station Unit 1 (Kyoto Prefecture, 2 x 900 MW) during operation exceeded the Kyoto Prefecture’s regulation values and the environmental preservation agreement values with Kyoto Prefecture, Maizuru City, and Takahama Town. The operation of this unit has been temporarily stopped to investigate the cause and take action. On June 21, KEPCO announced that it had compiled a report on how the problem occurred, the cause, and measures to prevent recurrence, as well as future responses. It is scheduled to restart operation around the end of June 2024. Consistent safety measures are required.
【KEPCO’s release in Japanese】舞鶴発電所1号機における硫黄酸化物の 条例規制値等の超過に関する原因と対策について(PDF

*The full database can be downloaded in Excel format on this page.
*Click here (PDF) to download a summary of Japan’s coal plant data.