【News】Climate Action Week 2024 -Phase out coal-fired power by 2030! JBC Photo Action

Climate Action Week 2024
Phase out coal-fired power by 2030! JBC Photo Action

Japan Beyond Coal (JBC) is celebrating its 4th anniversary with a symposium on September 20, 2024. To coincide with this and Climate Action Week (September 14-29), we are planning a photo action, and are looking to collect photos and messages from both individuals and organizations and publish them in order to visualize the voices of citizens calling for an accelerated coal-fired phase-out and energy transition toward a sustainable society.

JBC aims to achieve zero coal power by 2030, but many coal-fired power plants are still actively operating in Japan. The current plans for decommissioning that have been announced by power utilities not only will keep coal plants operating past 2030, but won’t even reduce coal-fired power to the percentage aimed for in Japan’s current (6th) Strategic Energy Plan or the amount required to achieve net zero in 2050. We hope that as many people as possible will join us in this action to voice the message that this is simply not good enough.

Join the photo action!

To participate, send us your photo taken at any location (locations near coal-fired power plants or related to power plants are preferable, but any location will do) and send it to JBC with the accompanying message you would like to express. We will post your photo message on social media (Instagram / X [formerly Twitter]) from the JBC account during Climate Action Week. We will also present your photo and message at the JBC 4th Anniversary Symposium scheduled for September 20.

Messages in your preferred language are welcome. Please include your own thoughts, such as why coal-fired power plants should be shut down as soon as possible, or how important it is to accelerate the shift to renewables, etc. This photo action is in coordination with “Climate Action Week – Now and for the Future” organized by the Watashi no Mirai campaign.

1) Message and photo – two ways to participate!

Image, b

a. Print out the message sheet (PDF) prepared by JBC, write a short message, and take a photo of you holding the sheet. We kindly ask you to write your message clearly, in a large size that is easy to read in the photo. Any photo format (png, jpeg, iPhone) is acceptable.

b. Prepare your message (roughly 100-120 Japanese characters, or up to 240 English characters) and send us the message text along with your photo to the JBC office email address.

If you do not want us to show your name and organization when we post your message on social media, please let us know your social media username, or another nickname for us to use.

Send to : office@beyond-coal.jp 
Please write “Climate Action” as the subject.
Deadline: September 16 for sharing your message at the symposium,
September 29 for sharing on social media

2) How we will use your photo and message

  • Posting on JBC social media accounts
    The submitted messages and photos will be randomly posted on social media posts from the JBC account throughout Climate Action Week.
  • Presented at the JBC 4th Anniversary Symposium
    Messages and photos submitted by September 16 will be presented at the JBC 4th Anniversary Symposium on September 20. 
  • Coordination with Watashi no Mirai
    This photo action is done in coordination with “Climate Action Week – Now and for the Future” organized by the Watashi no Mirai campaign.


Please send questions to : office@beyond-coal.jp